• Do you know how to not only give your audience relevant information, but engage them with it?
• Is it good enough to just spill out all the information in your head onto a website or app?
• Wouldn’t it be easier to just hand off a few hours of work rather than getting into the weeds of an entirely new skill?
Here’s how Fictional Agency can help you work through the ambiguity
Paid & organic social media, and content management
Let’s face it, this can be fun. But the best social strategies don’t use founder-speak. Besides, a founder’s time is often better spent elsewhere.
Facilitating brainstorm sessions to find and create consistency in messaging
Not only does this help your content, it helps your team and your advisors align on big picture goals.
Developing brand messaging frameworks
It’s the foundation of your brand, and adds polish to your voice that will help your customers and investors develop positive associations with your product or service.
Wireframes and website revamps for pivoting companies
When your priorities change, the trickle-down effect is enormous. For many startups, the website or app experience is an important place to for your brand’s public evolution.
Product naming, taglines and positioning statements
Copywriters make a big difference when a startup is ready to move beyond “good enough.” I’ve never met a blank piece of paper that I couldn’t fill with ideas.
Building messaging consensus between design teams, engineering teams, and investors
Essentially, when you build a brand framework or develop a content strategy, you want support from everybody who has invested time and money into your vision. Leave it to the experts to create a rationale that builds momentum.
Looking for more information about how I operate?
Some more details on how I helped big companies and early-stage startups take their content from gray to black & white
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